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经典英语演讲稿:Money and Happiness。

万丈高楼平地起。在正式演讲开始之前,我们都要做好准备,这时可以多花一点时间进行演讲稿的准备,演讲稿的衔接是指把演讲中的各个内容层次联结起来,使之具有浑然一体的整体感。你最近是不是遇到了需要写演讲稿的情况呢?小编经过整理,为你编辑了经典英语演讲稿:Money and Happiness,供你阅读参考,并请收藏本页面!

e guys who are not rich, but they live in a free way, they move everywhere they want, they feel happy. So happiness is from someones heart, it is nothing to do with money.



英语演讲稿:The Road to Happiness

the road to happiness
it is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. this is only true if you pursue it unething more vigorous. for most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various en en es, they experience all the joys of having created beauty. the ter theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic , or more exercise, or what not. man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. this is a humble conclusion, but i cannot make myself disbelieve it. unhappy businessmen, i am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.
thangk you.

英语演讲稿 the way to happiness

Nopany. The retiree may e other things they like.

Thirdly and the most siginificant things of all is that they do not is the a short cut to the happiness. Optimistic mind-set is the key to open the door to glorious.


my dear friends :

good afternoon !i’m very glad to make a speech here .today my topic “is money everything?”

today more and more people whatever they want .do you think so? my friends ,can money really bring us everything we want?

in a way,of course ,money is really very important to us all. without money ,we can do nothing and can’t live on .

but we must know that money can’t bring us everything .with money ,we can buy many things indeed ,but we can’t buy knowledge ,we can’t buy time ,we can’t buy true love and so on .

these are the most precious things in the world .if a person has none of them ,though he has a great deal of money , he is still poor .once i heard two men ,one is rich ,but he felt lonely and sad ,when he was sick ,or when he was in trouble , no one came to help him .he had no good friends .he could’t enjoy himself even though he had so much money .what a pity !

but the other felt happy every day ,because so many good friends loved him ,helped him .although he was poor ,he enjoyed himself . as we know ,who’s the richest person in the world ?you’ll tell me loudly “bill gates” right .he’s the richest person .and bill tells people “money isn’t everything.”

so i should say to all of you ,my friends ,money isn’t everything ,e the servant of the money .we should be the master of ourselves .come on ,we should think more about our study ,our parents .

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