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TED英语演讲稿:What fear can teach us恐惧可以教会我们什么。

春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。为了让我们的演讲更加顺畅,这个时候写一份演讲稿便是正确的选择。写演讲稿要掌握听众的心理特征和认识事物的规律。如何做一篇好演讲稿?下面是小编精心为你整理的“TED英语演讲稿:What fear can teach us恐惧可以教会我们什么”,供您参考,并请收藏本页!

One day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of Chile, in one of the most remote regions of the pacific Ocean, 20 American sailors home, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest scrap of land. In their small boats, they carried only rudimentary navigational equipment and limited supplies of food and ing to look for these men. So most of us have never experienced a situation as frightening as the one in ething ething e of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults.

我们都知道床下没有魔鬼, 也不是每个地震都会震垮房子。但是我们当中最有想象力的人们 并没有因为成年而抛弃这种恐惧,这也许并不是巧合。



the one-and-a-quarter pound brain of our ancestor here, Habilis, to the almost three-pound meatloaf that everybody here has beting paraplegic. So, just give it a moment of thought. You probably dont feel like you need a moment of thought.

Interestingly, there are data on these tists and psychologists around the country have been doing, have revealed something really quite startling to us, something field studies to laboratory studies, as, you have this machine. Unlike Sir Thomas, you seem not to know it. (Laughter)

e experimental evidence, you dont have to look very far for evidence.



美国华盛顿州西雅图市华裔女童邹奇奇(英文名Adora Svitak),2008年被美国媒体誉为世界上最聪明的孩子,她比凤姐牛多了,3岁时就开始阅读各种书籍,从4岁起写下了400多篇故事和诗歌,8岁时出版的故事集《飞扬的手指》轰动美国,其中包含的300多篇故事大多以中世纪为背景,从古埃及写到了文艺复兴,文中透露的政治、宗教和教育见解,思想深刻,文思严谨。邹奇奇也被美国广播公司誉为美国文坛小巨人。

邹奇奇的母亲邹灿(Joyce)是中国重庆人,1988年到美国后,学习法语专业的她又获得了英语文学硕士学位,现在是美国一家电话语音翻译公司的中英文翻译员。奇奇的父亲约翰John Svitak是一名捷克裔美国人物理学博士,现任职于微软公司。除了奇奇外,他们还有另一个名叫希希的10岁女儿,姐妹俩的名字合起来就是希奇。全家生活在美国华盛顿州西雅图市。尽管邹奇奇的外表和其他同龄孩子没啥两样,但她的知识和成就却远非同龄孩子可比。

Noes to thinking about reasons etimes a knoa, doesnt have to be insiders kno kids. Noeone, you place restrictions on them, right. If I doubt my older sisters ability to pay back the 10 percent interest I established on her last loan, Im going to every dont do that, dont do this in the school handbook, to restrictions on school internet use. As history points out, regimes become oppressive when theyre fearful about keeping control. And, although adults may not be quite at the level of totalitarian regimes, kids have no, or very little, say in making the rules, when really the attitude should be reciprocal, meaning that the adult population should learn and take into account the wishes of the younger population.


简介:一生中,我们有三分之一的时间都在睡眠中度过。关于睡眠,你又了解多少?睡眠专家Russell Foster为我们解答为什么要睡觉,以及睡眠对健康的影响。

e level is important. And yet, for most of us, the same time: Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Extremely prophetic, by Thomas Dekker, another Elizabethan dramatist.

But if our cave days. Bang. (Laughter) And if a single structure bine, and they send projections do a whole raft of different interactions within the brain, and essentially, sleep is turned on and off as a result of a range of

Okay. So where have we got to? Weve said that sleep is complicated and it takes 32 years of our life. But what I havent explained is what sleep is about. So why do we sleep? And it wont surprise any of you that, of course, the scientists, we dont have a consensus. There are dozens of different ideas about why we sleep, and Im going to outline three of those.


My subject today is learning. And in that spirit, I e of the most important learning the front lines of an exciting ne this ans oething interests them and resume their fast sucking b. My favorite experiment of this kind is the one that sho birth, from the moment of birth, babies cry in the accent of their mothers native language. French babies cry on a rising note the moment of birth, the baby responds most to the voice of the person an eats find their en en ate more carrot-flavored cereal, and from the looks of it, they seemed to enjoy it more.

Ted英语演讲稿:On what we think we know?我们以为自己知道的

Im going to try and explain e sort of cultural thing for the time of year. Thats an in-joke, by the ee, you can try this as common sense, from experience of the e people, probably tes out of the air. Now, I passed all my biology exams in Britain. I passed them really well, but I still came out of school thinking that that stuff came out of the ground.

种籽可以很重,基本上所有的这些 99%都来自于空气 我相信有85%的人,或许在你们TED会比较少 会说木材来自于大地,而有些人 也许你们中的一两位, 可能结束后会来找我争论 说木材其实是来自于大地 若是如此,那我们就会有让卡车跑来跑去 把人们的花园都填上土,那会是很棒的生意。 不过实际上我们不会那么做 因为木材的材料大部分其实是从空气中来的 我在英国念书时考生物每考必过 我的成绩很好,但毕业后 还是以为木材来自于大地

演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。 演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。希望《TED英语演讲稿:What fear can teach us恐惧可以教会我们什么》一文能帮助您解决关于2024“英语演讲稿”相关的问题,再次感谢您的阅读!
